Wednesday, November 10, 2021

How to Buy Property the Easiest Way?

With rapid globalization, the dreams and demands of people are changing at a fast pace. Since people have become aware of the world around them, they are adopting new habits, opting for new lifestyles, etc. These are a few reasons why people are so much serious about moving to an urban area. Talking of such places in India, Delhi is among some of the first names that come to people’s minds. Since this capital city is not so small and there are several places that people choose based on their choices, Gurgaon has always been one of the favorite spots for those people. The city consists of almost all the major IT industries and the environment is good as well. So, there is no reason that anyone would avoid living in this place if they get a chance to. This article is intended to help you get some idea about luxury residential property in Gurgaon. So, it is time to start our conversation without much delay.

Why do you need to be careful in this case?

When you are about to buy a home or property in any area, you should know that it is not an easy task as there is a large number of complications associated with this process. You must make the right use of your knowledge in order to get maximum benefits. The biggest thing is, you will regret a lot even if you miss out on one crucial point. Here, we are going to help you choose from the best residential property in Gurgaon the right way. You will be able to make the right decision in this case only if you are equipped with the right knowledge. In the next paragraph, we are going to talk about some points you should keep in your mind before you go on searching for properties in Gurgaon read more…

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Thursday, October 28, 2021

Ayurvedic Science of Nasya | Go Mata Products | Cow Urine

Nasya is an ancient cleansing practice of the nasal cavity in Ayurvedic medicine, specifically panchkarma of the 5 cleansing actions. Nasya cleanses on the physical, mental and emotional spectrum for a holistic approach to healing. According to a study in 2019, 72 billion lbs. of toxic are dumped into the atmosphere each year in the US and it is higher in India. These atmospheric toxins enter the nasal cavity into our bodies leading to many diseases. The majority of these toxins are lipophilic, meaning they are stored in fat. Since our nasal cavity goes directly to our brain which is comprised of mostly fatty tissues, we have an accumulation of toxins in the brain causing physical diseases and mental disorders. There is also science proving that molecules of emotion are stored in fat cells. In Ayurveda this is called mental or emotional ama, the emotions we experience from trauma, suffering, anger, etc. They are stored in Tarpaka Kapha, or the myelin sheaths in the brain.

Ayurveda has used medicinal ghee/oil to remove impurities and toxins from the entire body through specific cleanses, practices such as oil pulling, oil in ears & belly button, netra vasti (medicated ghee for eye purification) and of course nasya. Nasya is the application of medicated ghee inserted up the nose to cleanse the nasal cavity of any impurities, helps with headaches, moisturize and lubricate the passageway and eliminate excess Kapha. However, it works on a much deeper level. As it enters the brain, it loosens the impurities or samskaras stored in Tarpaka Kapha, therefore it is successfully used in treating mental disorders, changing patterns of behaviour, mood imbalances. Modern science calls this neuroplasticity, the ability to change the pathways of the brain. Today, this is known as “lipophilic mediated detoxification.”

Gotirth Nasorin is a panchgavya product made according to as traditional ayurvedic nasal drops. They contain A2 ghee from grass-fed grazing Himalayan cows, along with other ethically sourced ayurvedic herbs is a powerful treatment for the above mentioned. Since we are approaching fall season, the nasal cavity tends to dry out due to excess Vata. The mind also can become easily anxious. Nasorine is the perfect remedy to keep the nasal passage moist, mitigate headaches and calm the nervous Vata mind. It is very beneficial for yoga persons.

Thanks For reading this blog. If you want to know more interesting facts about the Ayurvedic Science of Nasya, then watch this video.

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Wednesday, October 27, 2021

Gotirth Dermol Liquid - Online Ayurvedic Medicine | GoTirth

Dermol is the perfect ayurvedic medicine for all skin disorders regardless of your skin type (oily, dry, etc.) It safely and effectively cures most skin ailments and improves the overall complexion of skin throughout the entire body, not just the face. The main ingredient in Dermol is gomutra, a blood purifier, therefore, cleansing and detoxifying the entire body, as well as balancing hormones and the three doshas, which are the main causes of skin diseases. Acharya Shodal describes Aloe Vera as Kushthavinashini, “the substance that destroys all skin diseases.” This is due to its cooling and soothing properties, which alleviate burns, irritation, rash, insect bites, herpes, allergic reactions, wounds and ulcers. It is an excellent moisturizer, antibacterial, antifungal and antiviral, balances PH and eliminates acid due to its alkalizing property. Neem is also an excellent skin tonic as it is a complete body purifier, soothes inflammation and eliminates dandruff, treats acne as well as reduces pore size which prevents acne from returning, is antiviral, antibacterial and antifungal, and facilitates wound healing. The final herb used in Dermol is Bakuchi, which is considered one of the most important medicinal herbs in traditional Indian medicine. It is specifically used for various skin ailments as it is chemo-protective, anti-inflammatory, anti-toxin, antibacterial and astringent in nature which tightens skin and reduces pore size. Therefore, it is extremely effective in treating leprosy, leukoderma, skin rash and infections, purifies the blood and treats wounds for its antimicrobial actions.

For scalp treatment: Massage on the head to eliminate dandruff, condition and cleanse the scalp and eliminate lice. After 15 minutes wash with Gotirth KeSheen and rinse completely.

Can be used externally/ topically on the affected area applied with cotton or added to any natural face pack.

Precautions: Always consult your doctor before taking any medicine or supplement. Do not take within 1 hour of consuming dairy. Consult your physician if you are pregnant or lactating.

Avoid excessively salty, sweet, acidic, oily and spicy foods as well as non-veg foods. Avoid intake of tea, coffee, jaggery, radish and alcohol. Do not use chemical-based soaps on your face or body.

Get More Info: Click Here: Benefits of Cow urine

Thanks For reading this blog. If you want to know more interesting facts about the benefits of cow urine, then watch this video.

Scientific Facts & Benefits of Cow Urine | Gomutr Ke Fayade | गोमूत्र के पीने के फायदे व हानि

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