Wednesday, November 10, 2021

How to Buy Property the Easiest Way?

With rapid globalization, the dreams and demands of people are changing at a fast pace. Since people have become aware of the world around them, they are adopting new habits, opting for new lifestyles, etc. These are a few reasons why people are so much serious about moving to an urban area. Talking of such places in India, Delhi is among some of the first names that come to people’s minds. Since this capital city is not so small and there are several places that people choose based on their choices, Gurgaon has always been one of the favorite spots for those people. The city consists of almost all the major IT industries and the environment is good as well. So, there is no reason that anyone would avoid living in this place if they get a chance to. This article is intended to help you get some idea about luxury residential property in Gurgaon. So, it is time to start our conversation without much delay.

Why do you need to be careful in this case?

When you are about to buy a home or property in any area, you should know that it is not an easy task as there is a large number of complications associated with this process. You must make the right use of your knowledge in order to get maximum benefits. The biggest thing is, you will regret a lot even if you miss out on one crucial point. Here, we are going to help you choose from the best residential property in Gurgaon the right way. You will be able to make the right decision in this case only if you are equipped with the right knowledge. In the next paragraph, we are going to talk about some points you should keep in your mind before you go on searching for properties in Gurgaon read more…

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Thursday, October 28, 2021

Ayurvedic Science of Nasya | Go Mata Products | Cow Urine

Nasya is an ancient cleansing practice of the nasal cavity in Ayurvedic medicine, specifically panchkarma of the 5 cleansing actions. Nasya cleanses on the physical, mental and emotional spectrum for a holistic approach to healing. According to a study in 2019, 72 billion lbs. of toxic are dumped into the atmosphere each year in the US and it is higher in India. These atmospheric toxins enter the nasal cavity into our bodies leading to many diseases. The majority of these toxins are lipophilic, meaning they are stored in fat. Since our nasal cavity goes directly to our brain which is comprised of mostly fatty tissues, we have an accumulation of toxins in the brain causing physical diseases and mental disorders. There is also science proving that molecules of emotion are stored in fat cells. In Ayurveda this is called mental or emotional ama, the emotions we experience from trauma, suffering, anger, etc. They are stored in Tarpaka Kapha, or the myelin sheaths in the brain.

Ayurveda has used medicinal ghee/oil to remove impurities and toxins from the entire body through specific cleanses, practices such as oil pulling, oil in ears & belly button, netra vasti (medicated ghee for eye purification) and of course nasya. Nasya is the application of medicated ghee inserted up the nose to cleanse the nasal cavity of any impurities, helps with headaches, moisturize and lubricate the passageway and eliminate excess Kapha. However, it works on a much deeper level. As it enters the brain, it loosens the impurities or samskaras stored in Tarpaka Kapha, therefore it is successfully used in treating mental disorders, changing patterns of behaviour, mood imbalances. Modern science calls this neuroplasticity, the ability to change the pathways of the brain. Today, this is known as “lipophilic mediated detoxification.”

Gotirth Nasorin is a panchgavya product made according to as traditional ayurvedic nasal drops. They contain A2 ghee from grass-fed grazing Himalayan cows, along with other ethically sourced ayurvedic herbs is a powerful treatment for the above mentioned. Since we are approaching fall season, the nasal cavity tends to dry out due to excess Vata. The mind also can become easily anxious. Nasorine is the perfect remedy to keep the nasal passage moist, mitigate headaches and calm the nervous Vata mind. It is very beneficial for yoga persons.

Thanks For reading this blog. If you want to know more interesting facts about the Ayurvedic Science of Nasya, then watch this video.

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Wednesday, October 27, 2021

Gotirth Dermol Liquid - Online Ayurvedic Medicine | GoTirth

Dermol is the perfect ayurvedic medicine for all skin disorders regardless of your skin type (oily, dry, etc.) It safely and effectively cures most skin ailments and improves the overall complexion of skin throughout the entire body, not just the face. The main ingredient in Dermol is gomutra, a blood purifier, therefore, cleansing and detoxifying the entire body, as well as balancing hormones and the three doshas, which are the main causes of skin diseases. Acharya Shodal describes Aloe Vera as Kushthavinashini, “the substance that destroys all skin diseases.” This is due to its cooling and soothing properties, which alleviate burns, irritation, rash, insect bites, herpes, allergic reactions, wounds and ulcers. It is an excellent moisturizer, antibacterial, antifungal and antiviral, balances PH and eliminates acid due to its alkalizing property. Neem is also an excellent skin tonic as it is a complete body purifier, soothes inflammation and eliminates dandruff, treats acne as well as reduces pore size which prevents acne from returning, is antiviral, antibacterial and antifungal, and facilitates wound healing. The final herb used in Dermol is Bakuchi, which is considered one of the most important medicinal herbs in traditional Indian medicine. It is specifically used for various skin ailments as it is chemo-protective, anti-inflammatory, anti-toxin, antibacterial and astringent in nature which tightens skin and reduces pore size. Therefore, it is extremely effective in treating leprosy, leukoderma, skin rash and infections, purifies the blood and treats wounds for its antimicrobial actions.

For scalp treatment: Massage on the head to eliminate dandruff, condition and cleanse the scalp and eliminate lice. After 15 minutes wash with Gotirth KeSheen and rinse completely.

Can be used externally/ topically on the affected area applied with cotton or added to any natural face pack.

Precautions: Always consult your doctor before taking any medicine or supplement. Do not take within 1 hour of consuming dairy. Consult your physician if you are pregnant or lactating.

Avoid excessively salty, sweet, acidic, oily and spicy foods as well as non-veg foods. Avoid intake of tea, coffee, jaggery, radish and alcohol. Do not use chemical-based soaps on your face or body.

Get More Info: Click Here: Benefits of Cow urine

Thanks For reading this blog. If you want to know more interesting facts about the benefits of cow urine, then watch this video.

Scientific Facts & Benefits of Cow Urine | Gomutr Ke Fayade | गोमूत्र के पीने के फायदे व हानि

Watch all types of health-related problems through our youtube channel.

Monday, October 25, 2021

Ayurvedic Medicine For Sneezing and Cold – Gotirth Breathon Liquid

Breathon is an Ayurvedic Medicine For Sneezing and cold, asthma, cough, tuberculosis and works on the complete respiratory system providing relief from sneezing, asthma, cough, tuberculosis, etc. These are caused due to the adverse effects of excess Kapha. Breathon controls the secretions of Kapha (mucus), increases digestion, tones the lungs, eliminates bacteria of the chest, relieves congestion, opens the lung walls thus increasing the capacity of holding oxygen.

Vasaka is a potent herb known for its natural ability to manage respiratory ailments, particularly relieving cough, dilates bronchi, reduces inflammation of airways, alleviates allergic reaction and relaxes muscles, and promotes expectoration. It is the best Ayurvedic Medicine For Sneezing And Runny Nose Allergy Like gomutra, it also has antibacterial, antiviral, and antimicrobial properties.

Ayurvedic Medicine For Sneezing and Cold (Precautions)

Always consult your doctor before taking any Ayurvedic Medicine For Cough and Sneezing or supplement. Do not take within 1 hour of consuming dairy. Consult your physician if you are pregnant.

Ayurvedic Treatment For Morning Sneezing always Avoid spicy, salty, fried, processed/ packaged foods, smoking, and alcohol. Limit stimulants such as coffee & tea. Consume easily digestible, fresh foods (organic when possible).

Get More Info : Click Here : Benefits of Cow urine

Thanks For reading this blog. If you want to know more interesting facts about the benefits of cow urine, then watch this video.

Scientific Facts & Benefits of Cow Urine | Gomutr Ke Fayade | गोमूत्र के पीने के फायदे व हानि

Watch all types of health-related problems through our youtube channel.

Thursday, October 21, 2021

Best Tonic for Dengue Fever Patient | Gotirth

According to Ayurveda, there are many types and causes of fever due to imbalances of the doshas, but the main root cause is usually poor or disrupted digestion. This leads to a buildup of ama or undigested toxic matter which enters the blood and lymphatic system causing pyrexia or fever, and its further complications weaken immunity welcoming either bacterial or viral infections, etc. Due to the undigested matter or ama, resulting from weak digestion or Agni (low temperature in the abdomen), the body naturally raises the temperature to “burn up” or digest this excessive waste build-up/ expel any toxins, parasites, infections, etc. from the body. Therefore, it is prescribed to let the fever run its natural course to properly detoxify and heal the disturbance and imbalance while restoring the Agni or digestion.

In ayurvedic treatment, the use of antibiotic syrup for child for fever in India medicines is prohibited during the beginning stages of fever because the cooling properties lower the temperature inside the stomach, defeating the primary strategy to restore the digestive fire. It is therefore prescribed to use herbs that penetrate the system quickly without needing to be digested (not weakening the Agni even more), that also have digestive/ appetizing qualities.

Gomutra naturally balances the three doshas, particularly kapha and Vata, which are the two main imbalances leading to various fevers. It is antibacterial, antiviral, anti-fungal and antimicrobial which help the detoxifying body. Gomutra also contains vitamins, minerals, enzymes, salts and antioxidants which enter the system easily helping to speed up recovery time, maintain electrolyte balance and provide essential nutrients. Kiratatikta is a powerful digestive tonic, therefore, reduces ama, purifies blood, normalizes all three doshas, reduces inflammation, body pain, and temperature is antiviral, and is particularly good for relieving lung congestion and cough. Amruta, or giloy literally means Amrit and is classified as one of the restorative herbs in Ayurveda. It is particularly used in cases f fever as it helps alleviate symptoms such as reducing burning sensation, mitigating thirst, improves digestive power (eliminating ama), restores strength and stamina, reduces swelling, pain, and inflammation, purifies body, used to treat vomiting, cough, and cold. Tulsi is the final restorative herb used due to its ability to treat chronic, bacterial and viral fever, reduce inflammation, calm the mind, aid in digestion, soothe the stomach and treat diarrhea, relieve cough, lung congestion, and headache.

Ayurvedic Medicine for Cough Cold and Fever — Indication

Gotirth Feverex Liquid Useful in treating various types of fever by balancing the doshas, restoring proper digestion, normalizing bodily functions, increasing stamina and energy, eliminating bacterial and viral infections, and detoxifying the body. Effective treatment for cold, flu, malaria, chronic fever, typhoid, bacterial and viral invasions, PUO and alleviate the symptoms associated with fever such as pain, headache, weakness, loss of appetite, etc.

Feverex Syrup Uses in Hindi

दोषों को संतुलित करके, उचित पाचन को बहाल करके, शारीरिक कार्यों को सामान्य करके, सहनशक्ति और ऊर्जा को बढ़ाकर, बैक्टीरिया और वायरल संक्रमण को दूर करके और शरीर को डिटॉक्सीफाई करके विभिन्न प्रकार के बुखार के इलाज में उपयोगी है। सर्दी, फ्लू, मलेरिया, पुराना बुखार, टाइफाइड, जीवाणु और वायरल आक्रमण, पीयूओ के लिए प्रभावी उपचार और बुखार से जुड़े लक्षणों जैसे दर्द, सिरदर्द, कमजोरी, भूख न लगना आदि को कम करना।

What is The Feverex syrup price in India?

The regular price is 240 Rupees, but on you can easily buy in 220 Rupees only. Sometimes prices fluctuate depends upon market conditions.

Is Feverex ayurvedic medicine?

Feverex Syrup is a proprietary Ayurvedic Medicine for cold and sneezing. This is the ancient wisdom behind the formulation of Feverex. It is a completely safe and natural remedy that aids the body in restoring balance, function, and eliminating impurities, which boosts recovery time and the overall healing process. It is also available in Feverex tabs.

Get More Info : Click Here : Best Tonic for Dengue Fever Patient | Gotirth

Price : ₹220.00

Thanks For reading this blog. If you want to know more interesting facts about the benefits of cow urine, then watch this video.

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Ayurvedic Tablets for Blood Purification - Gaustavavati Tablet


Gotirth Gausatvavati is an Ayurvedic tablets for blood purification & complete ayurvedic health tonic for men, women, and children that can be used all year round. Gausatvavati has the same powerful healing properties and benefits as ARK but in a convenient tablet form. This makes it much easier to consume, especially if you are on the go and/or travelling. The tablets are the same ARK distillate, only dehydrated at a low temperature, therefore it is a concentrated form. Gausatvavati Tablets naturally contain vitamins, minerals, salts, enzymes, and antioxidants.

Gausatvavati tablets are antibacterial, antiviral, and anti-microbial so will cure bacterial and viral invasions and protect against future attacks & blood purifier tablets for the skin. It is also anti-toxin so will purify the blood and body from harmful chemicals, pollution, etc., and can be used to treat venomous bites. Gausatvavati tablets nourish the body, boost immunity power, slow the oxidation process to prevent ageing, balance the 3doshas and hormones, increase sattvic energy providing peace of mind, nourish the brain, and protects/repair DNA. They even reverse the damage done from allopathic medicines and drugs. We only use the gomutra from healthy, indigenous, Himalayan Cows, NEVER crossbreeds! Our medicines are completely natural and pure without any harmful chemicals, synthetic additives, fillers, colours, flavours, or preservatives.

Precautions: Always consult your doctor before taking any Ayurvedic tablets for blood purification or supplement. Do not take within 1 hour of consuming milk. Always consult your physician if you are pregnant or lactating.

Avoid spicy, salty, fried, processed/ packaged foods, smoking, and alcohol. Limit stimulants such as coffee & tea. Consume easily digestible, fresh foods (organic when possible).

Price: ₹117.00

Get More Info: Click Here: Ayurveda Products in Gujarat

Website: Cow Urine Medicine

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Saturday, October 16, 2021

Effects of Cow Urine Therapy in Cancer Treatment | Gotirth

When we used cow urine as medicine this therapy is called cow urine therapy Gopathy or cowpathy. Gomutra (cow urine) is also known as “Amrit” in Ayurveda. In our ancient ayurvedic text like the Atharva Veda, Sushruta Samhita, and the Charak Samhita cow urine is considered a powerful medicine. Cow urine is one of the best products of gau mata with many benefits and without any harmful effects. We can use the go mata product every day it is used as an antibiotic, immunity booster, bioenhancer, antifungal and anticancer agent. Cow urine contents are water 95%(approx.), Urea 2.5%( approx.), minerals, hormones, salt, and enzymes also contain iron, potassium, amino acid, phosphorus, calcium, and several other minerals.

Cancer Needs To know Before Healing

In modern days cancer is spreading very fastly in the world and it is a very dangerous disease. Cancer is a group of diseases in which some of the body’s cells grow uncontrollably and spread to other parts of the body fastly. deficiency of minerals, iron, zinc, vitamins folate, B12, B, and C can cause DNA damage and lead to cancer. Symptoms of cancer included pain, weight loss, fatigue, fever, unusual bleeding, and Anaemia etc. There are many types of cancer are like Lung Cancer, Kidney Cancer, Breast Cancer, Blood Cancer and Skin Cancer etc. In modern cancer therapy like surgery, chemotherapy, radiation therapy and hormonal therapy can destroy those infected cells but these therapies also destroy the healthy cell or normal cell in the body leading variously to side effects. In Ayurvedic therapy, the ultimate goal is to find out the main cause of the illness and it believes in the natural healing process and thus works slowly but helps eradicate the disease from the root cause. These herbs and ayurvedic therapy are not harmful.

At present time Panchgavya Chikitsa (cowpathy) is also popular in cancer treatment because the cow urine has a sufficient amount of natural minerals and vitamins. It has anticancer agent properties that are used to cure cancer like a dangerous disease.

The cow urine therapy is also useful with modern Cancer therapy because of the following reason :

  1. Cow urine (gomutra) reduce the growth of Cancer Cell
  2. The Ayurvedic and Cow Urine therapy is affordable and Cheap
  3. It has no harmful side effect
  4. Improved Quality of life
  5. It also improved Mental Health

Get More Info : Click Here : Effects of Cow Urine Therapy in Cancer Treatment

Thanks For reading this blog. If you want to know more interesting facts about the benefits of cow urine, then watch this video.

Watch your all types of health related problems through our youtube channel.

Wednesday, October 13, 2021

Best Ayurvedic Digestive Tonic | Syrup for Digestion Problem Gotirth Livon


The liver plays a major role in the digestive system and proper digestion is the key to cure all diseases along with balancing the doshas. According to Ayurveda, aloe vera is bitter and cooling in nature with antiseptic and anti-inflammatory properties. The Egyptians called it ‘the plant of immortality.’

Among its multitude of healing properties, it is used in Livon for its effectiveness in curing hepatitis, jaundice, ulcers and cleansing the body.

Purnarnava is one of the most effective anti-inflammatory herbs in Ayurveda. It’s literal translation from Sanskrit is “New,” which exemplifies its rejuvenating qualities and importance.

It is best ayurvedic digestive tonic very effective in treating weakness, anemia and liver disorders as it boosts metabolism and appetite encouraging proper digestion.

It also plays a large role in body detoxification aiding liver and kidney function. Both herbs create a healthy, alkaline environment.

Precautions: Always consult your doctor before taking any best ayurvedic digestive tonic medicine or supplement. Do not take within 1 hour of consuming dairy. Consult your physician if you are pregnant or nursing. Do not use if you have chronic diarrhea.

Avoid heavy foods such as cheese/ paneer, buffalo milk, etc. Avoid spicy, salty, fried, processed/ packaged foods, smoking and alcohol. Limit stimulants such as coffee & tea. Consume easily digestible, fresh foods (organic when possible). Do not take food without hunger.

Get More Info : Click Here : Syrup for Digestion Problem Gotirth Livon

Scientific Facts & Benefits of Cow Urine | Gomutr Ke Fayade | गोमूत्र के पीने के फायदे व हानि

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Tuesday, October 12, 2021

Ayurvedic medicine to lose belly fat - Gotirth Oberial Liquid

Oberil is an Ayurvedic medicine to lose belly fat, Obesity is one of the leading causes of chronic and deadly illnesses today including high cholesterol, heart disease, diabetes, heart attack, depression, arthritis/ pain, and the list goes on.

Excess weight takes a severe toll on the body and it’s extremely hard to lose. Today the market is flooded with weight loss products, pills, and potions, all of which can have harmful side effects.

Oberil is completely safe and highly effective for weight loss without any negative side effects of conventional weight loss supplements. Gomutra contains vitamins A, B, D, and E and minerals like creatinine and gold, which are present in many over-the-counter weight loss drugs.

Cow urine also contains various hormones and enzymes which aid in digestion. The presence of copper irons prohibit fat from depositing and helps to lower LDL cholesterol. Gomutra also helps in curing the side effects from obesity such as pain, swelling, and inflammation supports heart health, and can help prevent diabetes.

The main ingredient used in Oberil is saffron. Saffron has been treasured throughout the world for its amazing healing properties and is also the most expensive spice in the market.

Studies show that saffron has profound effects on cardiac health, regulating blood pressure, detoxifying the body, creating a beautiful complexion, boost immunity, eliminate pain and arthritis, and is most famously known for its stress-relieving properties.

All these diseases are associated with obesity. Saffron is used particularly for weight loss due to its ability to increase digestion and metabolism. Saffron also increases serotonin, which is the main hormone responsible for hunger and mood regulation.

Therefore, the higher the serotonin levels, the less hungry you are while the pounds shed off. Oberil will help you safely lose weight, reduce cravings, and promotes calm, peaceful well-being.

Precautions: Always consult your doctor before taking any Ayurvedic medicine to lose belly fat or supplement. Do not take within 1 hour of consuming dairy. Consult your physician if you are pregnant. Do not take it if you experience hyperacidity. Do not use it if you have chronic diarrhea.

Avoid heavy foods such as cheese, milk, etc. Limit intake of Vata-producing foods (cabbage, cauliflower, peas, dal, etc. Avoid spicy, salty, fried, processed/ packaged foods, smoking, and alcohol. Limit stimulants such as coffee & tea. Consume easily digestible, fresh foods (organic when possible).

Get More Info : Click Here : Benefits of Cow urine

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Gotirth B.P. Norm Liquid

Scientific Facts & Benefits of Cow Urine | Gomutr Ke Fayade | गोमूत्र के पीने के फायदे व हानि

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Saturday, October 9, 2021

Gotirth Renol Liquid – Effective Ayurvedic Medicine in Renol Disease


Renol disease is rapidly increasing due to hectic lifestyles and lack of proper diet. People are consuming more processed foods and drinking sugary and/or caffeinated beverages instead of water. Luckily, the miraculous formulation for Renol can cure, Effective Ayurvedic Medicine in Renol Disease and even reverse kidney disease while providing overall urinary tract health. Cow urine itself is an outstanding purifier and detoxifier, cleansing the blood and body of impurities and toxins which is essential for healthy kidney and UT function. Cow urine also exhibits anti-bacterial, viral and fungal properties which cure UIT’s. Gokhruis highly effective for treating renol calculi. Purnarnava provides optimal kidney health by preventing and reducing stones, increasing kidney function, and acting as a diuretic promoting heathy urination.

Take Renol 1 hour prior or after VitaGreen while drinking plenty of fresh water throughout the day for fast relief and to promote optimal kidney/ UT health.

Precautions: Always consult your doctor before taking any medicine or supplement. Do not take within 1 hour of consuming dairy. Consult your physician if you are pregnant.

Avoidheavy and acidic foods while treating UTI’s and rice. Avoid spicy, salty, fried, processed/ packaged foods, smoking and alcohol. Limit stimulants such as coffee & tea. Consume easily digestible, fresh foods (organic when possible).

Get More Info : Click Here : Benefits of Cow urine

Thanks For reading this blog. If you want to know more interesting facts about the benefits of cow urine, then watch this video.

Gotirth B.P. Norm Liquid

Scientific Facts & Benefits of Cow Urine | Gomutr Ke Fayade | गोमूत्र के पीने के फायदे व हानि

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Gotirth O.Flamin - Online Ayurvedic Medicine | GoTirth

It is a proprietary Ayurvedic Holistic medicine used in both external or internal inflammation or other related issues.

It is produced from the urine of healthy, indigenous, non-hybrid Himalayan cows and divine herbs. Name of some natural herbs which has been added in Renol is Punarnava, Makoya as well as Purified cow urine.

All these things are beneficial in getting rid of urinary infections or pertaining diseases. You can get more health benefits as well if you take this Ayurvedic medicine regularly or as directed by the physician.

It basically relieves external or internal inflammation & oedema of various etiologies.

Precautions: But in order to get better results some precautions need to be taken whose listing are as follows: Avoid Refined oils, processed or packaged foods, acidic, salty, non-veg foods, tea & coffee, stress, alcohol & smoking etc.

Get More Info : Click Here : Benefits of Cow urine

Thanks For reading this blog. If you want to know more interesting facts about the benefits of cow urine, then watch this video.

Gotirth B.P. Norm Liquid

Scientific Facts & Benefits of Cow Urine | Gomutr Ke Fayade | गोमूत्र के पीने के फायदे व हानि

Watch your all types of health related problems through our youtube channel.

Tuesday, October 5, 2021

Gotirth Dermol Liquid - Online Ayurvedic Medicine | GoTirth

Dermol is the perfect ayurvedic medicine for all skin disorders regardless or your skin type (oily, dry, etc.) It safely and effectively cures most skin ailments and improves overall complexion of skin throughout the entire body, not just face. The main ingredient in Dermol is gomutra, a blood purifier therefore cleansing and detoxifying the entire body, as well as balancing hormones and the three doshas, which are the main causes of skin diseases. Acharya Shodal describes Aloe Vera as Kushthavinashini, “the substance that destroys all skin diseases.” This is due to its cooling and soothing properties, which alleviate burns, irritation, rash, insect bites, herpes, allergic reactions, wounds and ulcers. It is an excellent moisturizer, antibacterial, antifungal and antiviral, balances PH and eliminates acid due to its alkalizing property. Neem is also an excellent skin tonic as it is a complete body purifier, soothes inflammation and eliminates dandruff, treats acne as well as reduces pore size which prevents acne from returning, is antiviral, antibacterial and antifungal, and facilitates wound healing. The final herb used in Dermol is Bakuchi, which is considered one of the most important medicinal herbs in traditional Indian medicine. It is specifically used for various skin ailments as it is chemo-protective, anti-inflammatory, anti-toxin, antibacterial and astringent in nature which tightens skin and reduces pore size. Therefore, it is extremely effective in treating leprosy, leukoderma, skin rash and infections, purifies the blood and treats wounds for its antimicrobial actions.

For scalp treatment: Massage on head to eliminate dandruff, condition and cleanse the scalp and eliminate lice. After 15 minutes wash with Gotirth KeSheen and rinse completely.

Can be used externally/ topically on affected area applied with cotton or added to any natural facepack.

Precautions: Always consult your doctor before taking any medicine or supplement. Do not take within 1 hour of consuming dairy. Consult your physician if you are pregnant or lactating.

Avoid excessively salty, sweet, acidic, oily and spicy foods as well as non-veg foods. Avoid intake of tea, coffee, jaggery, radish and alcohol. Do not use chemical-based soaps on face or body.

Get More Info : Click Here : Skin Treatment in Delhi

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Scientific Facts & Benefits of Cow Urine | Gomutr Ke Fayade | गोमूत्र के पीने के फायदे व हानि

Watch your all types of health related problems through our youtube channel.

Sunday, October 3, 2021

Gotirth Cardipro Liquid - Online Ayurvedic Medicine | GoTirth

Cardiprois an ayurvedic medicine for heart and protective tonic for maintaining optimal cardiovascular health. It can be used by both heart patients and those who wish to prevent heart troubles. Jatamansi is used to treat high blood pressure, depression and promotes a calm sleep cycle, which can lead to heart ailments if not treated. Arjun offers an abundance of overall health benefits but is particularly known as the best known Ayurvedic herb for its ability to heal and protect the heart. Arjuna is a well-known heart tonic and cardio-protective herb. It strengthens the heart muscles and treats the cardiac debility. It also increases the coronary artery flow and protects the heart muscles from ischemic damage, as well as lowering high blood pressure.

Arjuna is used for vitality, as lymph tonic for the heart, to promote normal blood flow and helps to nullify the effect of stress on the heart. Dalchini or cinnamon contains many antioxidants, which prevent or limit damage to blood vessels and may even help to prevent heart disease. It also significantly lowers LDL cholesterol and has anti-inflammatory properties.

Precautions: Always consult your doctor before taking any medicine or supplement. Do not take within 1 hour of consuming dairy. Consult your physician if you are pregnant or lactating.
Avoid spicy, salty, fried, processed/ packaged foods, smoking, and alcohol. Limit stimulants such as coffee & tea. Consume easily digestible, fresh foods (organic when possible).

Get More Info : Click Here : Gotirth Cardipro Liquid

Thanks For reading this blog. If you want to know more interesting facts about the benefits of cow urine, then watch this video.

Scientific Facts & Benefits of Cow Urine | Gomutr Ke Fayade | गोमूत्र के पीने के फायदे व हानि

Watch your all types of health related problems through our youtube channel.

Wednesday, September 29, 2021

Nasya Treatment in Ayurveda – Gotirth Nasorine Nasal Drop


Nasal congestion and headaches are due to an imbalance of Kapha, resulting in a buildup of mucus. Nasal drops are a form of Nasya Treatment in Ayurveda Gotirth Nasorine Nasal Drop and provide instant relief as the medicine administered through the nostrils directly affects the nervous system (brain) and venous system (blood circulation). Indigenous Himalayan Cow’s Ghee is a wonderful lubricant that helps to break up congestion, purify nasal passageways, and is known to cure migraine, tension headache, trigeminal neuralgia tinnitus, hearing problems, vision problems, to treat lack of memory and concentration. Desi Cow Dung is antibacterial and an excellent cleanser.

Black pepper pacifies Kapha, therefore curing asthma, sinus congestion, chronic indigestion, cold and other respiratory infections, obesity, improper metabolism, headache, intermittent fever, and removes impurities or toxins. Apamarg is one of the best herbs to purify the body and digest ama, or undigested matter as a result of excess Kapha. It is considered the best herb for Kapha treatment in Ayurveda and Vata imbalances affecting areas above the neck such as migraine, epilepsy, convulsions, and psychological disorders.

Precautions in Nasya Treatment in Ayurveda

Always consult your doctor before Nasya therapy Ayurveda using any medicine or supplement. Always consult your physician if you are pregnant or lactating.

Get More Info : Click Here : Benefits of Cow urine

Thanks For reading this blog. If you want to know more interesting facts about the benefits of cow urine, then watch this video

Scientific Facts & Benefits of Cow Urine | Gomutr Ke Fayade | गोमूत्र के पीने के फायदे व हानि

Watch your all types of health related problems through our youtube channel.

Saturday, September 25, 2021

Ayurvedic Medicine For Sneezing and Cold – Gotirth Breathon Liquid

Breathon is an Ayurvedic Medicine For Sneezing and cold, asthma, cough, tuberculosis and works on the complete respiratory system providing relief from sneezing, asthma, cough, tuberculosis, etc. These are caused due to the adverse effects of excess Kapha. Breathon controls the secretions of Kapha (mucus), increases digestion, tones the lungs, eliminates bacteria of the chest, relieves congestion, opens the lung walls thus increasing the capacity of holding oxygen.

Vasaka is a potent herb known for its natural ability to manage respiratory ailments, particularly relieving cough, dilates bronchi, reduces inflammation of airways, alleviates allergic reaction and relaxes muscles, and promotes expectoration. It is the best Ayurvedic Medicine For Sneezing And Runny Nose Allergy Like gomutra, it also has antibacterial, antiviral, and antimicrobial properties.

Ayurvedic Medicine For Sneezing and Cold (Precautions)

Always consult your doctor before taking any Ayurvedic Medicine For Cough and Sneezing or supplement. Do not take within 1 hour of consuming dairy. Consult your physician if you are pregnant.

Ayurvedic Treatment For Morning Sneezing always Avoid spicy, salty, fried, processed/ packaged foods, smoking, and alcohol. Limit stimulants such as coffee & tea. Consume easily digestible, fresh foods (organic when possible).

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Thursday, September 23, 2021

Best Joint Pain Relief Ayurvedic Medicine | Chronic Pain | Arthritis

Arthorid is a highly effective cure for ALL 80 types of vat diseases. It provides rapid relief for any type of muscle pain, cramping, joint pain, etc. Excess Vata (air) is the main cause for pain. According to Ayurvedic texts, cow urine is prescribed as the best Vata healer or regulator. Our R&D team has sourced powerful anti-vat herbs, which are processed with Gomutra, creating a safe and powerful remedy without any harmful side effects or addictive qualities of allopathic painkillers. It works simply and naturally by enhancing the digestive fire. Undigested food, which causes excess Vata (air) is reduced or eliminated, therefore relieving pain, cramps, etc.

Rasna is one of the best-known herbs to regulate Vata and Kapha dosha. It is used to treat pain, gout and general debility, as well as used for increasing digestion. Nirgundi is one of the most powerful and versatile herbs used in Ayurveda. It is used in this formula mainly for its ability to relieve pain/ inflammation and act as a muscle relaxant. Nirgundi also treats vitiated kapha and Vata doshas.

Precautions: Always consult your doctor before taking any medicine or supplement. Do not take within 1 hour of consuming dairy. Consult your physician if you are pregnant. 

Avoid spicy, salty, fried, processed/ packaged foods, smoking and alcohol. Limit stimulants such as coffee & tea. Consume easily digestible, fresh foods (organic when possible).

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Ayurvedic Medicine for Joint and Muscle Pain – Gotirth Massage Tailam

Artho-Relief Massage Oil is an excellent remedy for instant pain relief! It provides rapid relief for muscle pain, cramping, joint pain, inflammation, etc. Our completely natural and effective formulation includes powerful anti-inflammatory and anti-pain herbs, which are processed with Gomutra, creating a safe alternative to pain management without any harmful side effects or addictive qualities of allopathic painkillers.

Nirgundi is one of the most powerful and versatile herbs used in Ayurvedic Medicine for Joint and Muscle Pain. It is used in this formula mainly for its ability to relieve pain/ inflammation and act as a muscle relaxant. Nirgundi also treats vitiated Kapha and Vata doshas. Saunth improves digestion, balances Kapha and Vata, and is an excellent pain killer with anti-inflammatory properties. Maharasnadi is an Ayurvedic Medicine for Pain Relief mainly used for diseases of the musculoskeletal system, effective on bones, joints, muscles, and nerves.

It is the best Ayurvedic Medicine for Bones and Muscles used in pain disorders and arthritis (pain, swelling, inflammation, stiffness). It also treats rheumatoid arthritis, osteoarthritis, gout, sciatica, backache, paralytic disorders, abdominal distension, bloating, gas, etc. Finally, Erandmool is used as it treats pain, arthritis balances Kapha, and is effective on bones and nervous system.

Indication: Excellent remedy for Joint Pain Tab Ayurvedic Medicine, alleviating joint and/or muscle pain, inflammation, arthritis, gout, chronic pain, soreness due to injury, etc. Also very useful in treating dry skin, bacterial, or fungal skin infection.

* Patients taking allopathic medication are requested to reduce dosage according to the body’s need. Gomutra enhances the effects of any medicine and/ or herb; therefore, a smaller dose is required with the same or higher efficacy.

Precautions: Do not ingest. Keep away from the eye area. If eye exposure, gently rinses with warm water. Avoid spicy, salty, fried, processed/ packaged foods, smoking, and alcohol. Limit stimulants such as coffee & tea. Consume easily digestible, fresh foods (organic when possible).

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Ayurvedic Medicine for Fever – Gotirth Feverex Liquid

According to Ayurveda, there are many types and causes of fever due to imbalances of the doshas, but the main root cause is usually poor or disrupted digestion. This leads to a buildup of ama or undigested toxic matter which enters the blood and lymphatic system causing pyrexia or fever, and its further complications weaken immunity welcoming either bacterial or viral infections, etc. Due to the undigested matter or ama, resulting from weak digestion or Agni (low temperature in the abdomen), the body naturally raises the temperature to “burn up” or digest this excessive waste build-up/ expel any toxins, parasites, infections, etc. from the body. Therefore, it is prescribed to let the fever run its natural course to properly detoxify and heal the disturbance and imbalance while restoring the Agni or digestion.

In ayurvedic treatment, the use of antibiotic syrup for child for fever in India medicines is prohibited during the beginning stages of fever because the cooling properties lower the temperature inside the stomach, defeating the primary strategy to restore the digestive fire. It is therefore prescribed to use herbs that penetrate the system quickly without needing to be digested (not weakening the Agni even more), that also have digestive/ appetizing qualities read more…

Get More Info : Click Here : Benefits of Cow urine

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Scientific Facts & Benefits of Cow Urine | Gomutr Ke Fayade | गोमूत्र के पीने के फायदे व हानि

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Monday, September 20, 2021

Nasya Treatment in Ayurveda – Gotirth Nasorine Nasal Drop

Nasal congestion and headaches are due to an imbalance of Kapha, resulting in a buildup of mucus. Nasal drops are a form of Nasya Treatment in Ayurveda Gotirth Nasorine Nasal Drop and provide instant relief as the medicine administered through the nostrils directly affects the nervous system (brain) and venous system (blood circulation). Indigenous Himalayan Cow’s Ghee is a wonderful lubricant that helps to break up congestion, purify nasal passageways, and is known to cure migraine, tension headache, trigeminal neuralgia tinnitus, hearing problems, vision problems, to treat lack of memory and concentration. Desi Cow Dung is antibacterial and an excellent cleanser.

Black pepper pacifies Kapha, therefore curing asthma, sinus congestion, chronic indigestion, cold and other respiratory infections, obesity, improper metabolism, headache, intermittent fever, and removes impurities or toxins. Apamarg is one of the best herbs to purify the body and digest ama, or undigested matter as a result of excess Kapha. It is considered the best herb for Kapha treatment in Ayurveda and Vata imbalances affecting areas above the neck such as migraine, epilepsy, convulsions, and psychological disorders.

Precautions in Nasya Treatment in Ayurveda

Always consult your doctor before Nasya therapy Ayurveda using any medicine or supplement. Always consult your physician if you are pregnant or lactating.

Get More Info : Click Here Benefits of Cow urine

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Scientific Facts & Benefits of Cow Urine | Gomutr Ke Fayade | गोमूत्र के पीने के फायदे व हानि

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Saturday, September 18, 2021

Ayurvedic Treatment for Weak Immune System - Gotirth VitaGreen


Vitagreen is a Complete Care Ayurvedic Treatment and Wheatgrass is a young grass of the common wheat plant, Triticumaestivum, a subspecies of the family Poaceae. Wheatgrass, a natural superfood, has been used and cherished throughout the world, particularly in Indian culture as recorded in the earliest Ayurvedic texts. Its unique cooling, antibacterial and detoxifying properties, along with diverse array of nutrients are key to healing various ailments and living a naturally healthy life. Wheatgrass is about 70% chlorophyll, which has been termed as “green blood,” as it is key to blood development. Chlorophyll molecules closely resembles the hemin molecule, which combines with protein to form hemoglobin (75% of our blood). Hemoglobin is the iron-containing substance giving red blood cells their red pigment and delivering oxygen to bodily tissues. It is best for Ayurvedic Treatment for Weak Immune System.

Gotirth VitaGreen is 100% pure, organic, raw, whole leaf wheatgrass powder. There are absolutely no additives, fillers, colors or preservatives. Our wheatgrass is grown using Panchgavya based agriculture techniques without the use of any chemical fertilizers or pesticides. The wheatgrass is harvested at the joining stage, just when the blades begin to split, which is the peak nutrition stage. We use a LTG (low temperature grinding) method to ensure the wheatgrass contains maximum nutrients. It is vegan, gluten free, and cholesterol free and contains over 70 vitamins & minerals, enzymes, amino acids, proteins, chlorophyll and both soluble and insoluble fiber (fresh juice or juice powders lacks the necessary fiber that our whole leaf powder contains). Wheatgrass is a complete food in itself supplying most of our daily nutritional needs.

Indication: Vitamin dificiancy (anemia), lack of energy, weakness, fatigue, skin disorders, weak immune system, hormone imbalance, gastrointestinal disorders, cardiovascular health, stress/ anxiety/ depression, improves cognitive health/ brain function, diabetes management, anti-cancer, thinning hair and/or nails, inflammation and arthritis read more…

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Gotirth B.P. Norm Liquid

Scientific Facts & Benefits of Cow Urine | Gomutr Ke Fayade | गोमूत्र के पीने के फायदे व हानि

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Friday, September 17, 2021

Gotirth B.P. Norm Liquid

BP Norm is an excellent ayurvedic medicine for bp and remedy for patients suffering from both high and low blood pressure. It rapidly works to control systolic variations, regulating blood pressure. It also controls cholesterol levels and the nervine system. Gomutra naturally calms the mind, thus reducing stress levels.

Jatamansi is well known as a natural brain nervine tonic, memory enhancer, and for its calming properties. Jatamansi is the ultimate nerve tonic, treating disorders such as hyperactivity, stress, anxiety/ depression, spasm, epilepsy, convulsion, hysteria and improves focus, concentration and learning ability. Sadabahar is used for its ability to lower blood pressure, induce calming states, enhance cognitive/ brain health and maintain regular blood fluidity.

Precautions: Always consult your doctor before taking any medicine or supplement. Do not take within 1 hour of consuming dairy. Consult your physician if you are pregnant. 

Avoid spicy, salty, fried, processed/ packaged foods, smoking and alcohol. Limit stimulants such as coffee & tea. Consume easily digestible, fresh foods (organic when possible).

Get More Info : Click Here : Benefits of Cow urine

Thanks For reading this blog. If you want to know more interesting facts about the benefits of cow urine, then watch this video.

Gotirth B.P. Norm Liquid

Scientific Facts & Benefits of Cow Urine | Gomutr Ke Fayade | गोमूत्र के पीने के फायदे व हानि

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Wednesday, September 15, 2021

Gotirth Go ARK – Best Tonic for Weakness in India


Gotirth ARK is a Best tonic for weakness in India it is a complete health tonic for men, women and children that can be used all year round. ARK is antibacterial, antiviral and anti-microbial so will cure bacterial and viral invasions and protect against future attacks.

It is also anti-toxin so will purify the blood and body from harmful chemicals and can be used to treat venomous bites. Gotirth ARK nourishes the body, boost immunity power, slow the oxidation process to prevent aging, balances dosha imbalances, regulates hormones, increases sattvic energy providing peace of mind, nourishes the brain and protects/ repairs DNA.

ARK also reverses the damage done from allopathic medicines and drugs. We only use the gomutra from healthy, indigenous, Himalayan Cows, NEVER crossbreeds! ARK naturally contains vitamins, minerals, salts, enzymes and antioxidants;

Precautions: Always consult your doctor before taking any best tonic for general weakness medicine or supplement. Do not take within 1 hour of consuming dairy. Always consult your physician if you are pregnant or lactating. 

Avoid spicy, salty, fried, processed/ packaged foods, smoking and alcohol. Limit stimulants such as coffee & tea. Consume easily digestible, fresh foods (organic when possible).

Important — Our ARK Best Tonic for Weakness in India is completely natural and pure without any additives, fillers, synthetic colors, flavors or preservatives.

Get More Info : Click Here : Benefits of Cow urine

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Gotirth B.P. Norm Liquid

Scientific Facts & Benefits of Cow Urine | Gomutr Ke Fayade | गोमूत्र के पीने के फायदे व हानि

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Saturday, September 11, 2021

Ayurvedic Medicine for Blood Pressure | High cholesterol | Nerve tonic

BP Norm is an excellent ayurvedic medicine for bp and remedy for patients suffering from both high and low blood pressure. It rapidly works to control systolic variations, regulating blood pressure. It also controls cholesterol levels and the nervine system. Gomutra naturally calms the mind, thus reducing stress levels.

Jatamansi is well known as a natural brain nervine tonic, memory enhancer, and for its calming properties. Jatamansi is the ultimate nerve tonic, treating disorders such as hyperactivity, stress, anxiety/ depression, spasm, epilepsy, convulsion, hysteria and improves focus, concentration and learning ability. Sadabahar is used for its ability to lower blood pressure, induce calming states, enhance cognitive/ brain health and maintain regular blood fluidity.

Precautions: Always consult your doctor before taking any medicine or supplement. Do not take within 1 hour of consuming dairy. Consult your physician if you are pregnant. 

Avoid spicy, salty, fried, processed/ packaged foods, smoking and alcohol. Limit stimulants such as coffee & tea. Consume easily digestible, fresh foods (organic when possible).

Get More Info : Click Here : Benefits of Cow urine

Thanks For reading this blog. If you want to know more interesting facts about the benefits of cow urine, then watch this video.

Scientific Facts & Benefits of Cow Urine | Gomutr Ke Fayade | गोमूत्र के पीने के फायदे व हानि

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