Tuesday, August 31, 2021

Gotirth Thyron Liquid – Ayurvedic Medicine for Thyroid

There are several causes to thyroid disease which can be due to lifestyle choices as well as genetics. No matter the cause, Thyron is a highly effective Ayurvedic Medicine for Thyroid, a completely natural remedy to treat all types of thyroid misfunctioning. Jatamansiis known to cure thyroid disease and can also help combat the side effects of thyroid disease such as treating both insomnia and fatigue, balances the 3 doshas, treats anxiety and depression and is anti-inflammatory.

Precautions: Always consult your doctor before taking any Ayurvedic Medicine for Thyroid or supplement. Do not take within 1 hour of consuming dairy. Consult your physician if you are pregnant. Do not take if you experience hyperacidity. Do not use if you have chronic diarrhea.
Avoid heavy foods such as cheese, milk, etc. Limit intake of Vata producing foods (cabbage, cauliflower, peas, dal, etc. Avoid spicy, salty, fried, processed/ packaged foods, smoking and alcohol. Limit stimulants such as coffee & tea. Consume easily digestible, fresh foods (organic when possible).

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Gotirth Breathon Liquid for Permanent Cure & Ayurvedic Medicine for breathing problem

Price : ₹220.00

For More Info : Visit Here : https://www.gotirth.org/product/gotirth-thyron-liquid/

Watch my Youtube Videos : https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCKUjODzFefHgBAkMDV_xIOQ

Website Url : Cow Urine Therapy in Delhi/NCR

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Monday, August 30, 2021

Ayurvedic Medicine for Fever – Gotirth Feverex Liquid

According to Ayurveda, there are many types and causes of fever due to imbalances of the doshas, but the main root cause is usually poor or disrupted digestion. This leads to a buildup of ama or undigested toxic matter which enters the blood and lymphatic system causing pyrexia or fever, and its further complications weaken immunity welcoming either bacterial or viral infections, etc. Due to the undigested matter or ama, resulting from weak digestion or Agni (low temperature in the abdomen), the body naturally raises the temperature to “burn up” or digest this excessive waste build-up/ expel any toxins, parasites, infections, etc. from the body. Therefore, it is prescribed to let the fever run its natural course to properly detoxify and heal the disturbance and imbalance while restoring the Agni or digestion.

In ayurvedic treatment, the use of antibiotic syrup for child for fever in India medicines is prohibited during the beginning stages of fever because the cooling properties lower the temperature inside the stomach, defeating the primary strategy to restore the digestive fire. It is therefore prescribed to use herbs that penetrate the system quickly without needing to be digested (not weakening the Agni even more), that also have digestive/ appetizing qualities.

Gomutra naturally balances the three doshas, particularly kapha and Vata, which are the two main imbalances leading to various fevers. It is antibacterial, antiviral, anti-fungal and antimicrobial which help the detoxifying body. Gomutra also contains vitamins, minerals, enzymes, salts and antioxidants which enter the system easily helping to speed up recovery time, maintain electrolyte balance and provide essential nutrients. Kiratatikta is a powerful digestive tonic, therefore, reduces ama, purifies blood, normalizes all three doshas, reduces inflammation, body pain, and temperature is antiviral, and is particularly good for relieving lung congestion and cough. Amruta, or giloy literally means Amrit and is classified as one of the restorative herbs in Ayurveda. It is particularly used in cases f fever as it helps alleviate symptoms such as reducing burning sensation, mitigating thirst, improves digestive power (eliminating ama), restores strength and stamina, reduces swelling, pain, and inflammation, purifies body, used to treat vomiting, cough, and cold. Tulsi is the final restorative herb used due to its ability to treat chronic, bacterial and viral fever, reduce inflammation, calm the mind, aid in digestion, soothe the stomach and treat diarrhea, relieve cough, lung congestion, and headache.

Ayurvedic Medicine for Cough Cold and Fever — Indication

Gotirth Feverex Liquid Useful in treating various types of fever by balancing the doshas, restoring proper digestion, normalizing bodily functions, increasing stamina and energy, eliminating bacterial and viral infections, and detoxifying the body. Effective treatment for cold, flu, malaria, chronic fever, typhoid, bacterial and viral invasions, PUO and alleviate the symptoms associated with fever such as pain, headache, weakness, loss of appetite, etc.

Feverex Syrup Uses in Hindi

दोषों को संतुलित करके, उचित पाचन को बहाल करके, शारीरिक कार्यों को सामान्य करके, सहनशक्ति और ऊर्जा को बढ़ाकर, बैक्टीरिया और वायरल संक्रमण को दूर करके और शरीर को डिटॉक्सीफाई करके विभिन्न प्रकार के बुखार के इलाज में उपयोगी है। सर्दी, फ्लू, मलेरिया, पुराना बुखार, टाइफाइड, जीवाणु और वायरल आक्रमण, पीयूओ के लिए प्रभावी उपचार और बुखार से जुड़े लक्षणों जैसे दर्द, सिरदर्द, कमजोरी, भूख न लगना आदि को कम करना।

What is The Feverex syrup price in India?

The regular price is 240 Rupees, but on gotirth.org you can easily buy in 220 Rupees only. Sometimes prices fluctuate depends upon market conditions.

Is Feverex ayurvedic medicine?

Feverex Syrup is a proprietary Ayurvedic Medicine for cold and sneezing. This is the ancient wisdom behind the formulation of Feverex. It is a completely safe and natural remedy that aids the body in restoring balance, function, and eliminating impurities, which boosts recovery time and the overall healing process. It is also available in Feverex tabs.

More Products

Gotirth Breathon Liquid for Permanent Cure & Ayurvedic Medicine for breathing problem

Price : ₹220.00

For More Info : Visit Here : https://www.gotirth.org/product/gotirth-feverex-liquid/

Watch my Youtube Videos : https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCKUjODzFefHgBAkMDV_xIOQ

Website Url : Cow Urine Therapy in Delhi/NCR

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Thursday, August 26, 2021

Gotirth Livon Liquid – Best Ayurvedic Digestive Tonic


Gotirth Livon Liquid — Best Ayurvedic Digestive Tonic

The liver plays a major role in the digestive system and proper digestion is the key to cure all diseases along with balancing the doshas. According to Ayurveda, aloe vera is bitter and cooling in nature with antiseptic and anti-inflammatory properties. The Egyptians called it ‘the plant of immortality.’

Among its multitude of healing properties, it is used in Livon for its effectiveness in curing hepatitis, jaundice, ulcers and cleansing the body.

Purnarnava is one of the most effective anti-inflammatory herbs in Ayurveda. It’s literal translation from Sanskrit is “New,” which exemplifies its rejuvenating qualities and importance.

It is best ayurvedic digestive tonic very effective in treating weakness, anemia and liver disorders as it boosts metabolism and appetite encouraging proper digestion.

It also plays a large role in body detoxification aiding liver and kidney function. Both herbs create a healthy, alkaline environment.

Precautions: Always consult your doctor before taking any best ayurvedic digestive tonic medicine or supplement. Do not take within 1 hour of consuming dairy. Consult your physician if you are pregnant or nursing. Do not use if you have chronic diarrhea.

Avoid heavy foods such as cheese/ paneer, buffalo milk, etc. Avoid spicy, salty, fried, processed/ packaged foods, smoking and alcohol. Limit stimulants such as coffee & tea. Consume easily digestible, fresh foods (organic when possible). Do not take food without hunger.

More Products

Gotirth Breathon Liquid for Permanent Cure & Ayurvedic Medicine for breathing problem

Price : ₹220.00

For More Info : Visit Here : https://www.gotirth.org/product/gotirth-livon-liquid/

Watch my Youtube Videos : https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCKUjODzFefHgBAkMDV_xIOQ

Website Url : Cow Urine Therapy

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Tuesday, August 24, 2021

Gotirth Renol Liquid – Effective Ayurvedic Medicine in Renol Disease

Renol disease is rapidly increasing due to hectic lifestyles and lack of proper diet. People are consuming more processed foods and drinking sugary and/or caffeinated beverages instead of water. Luckily, the miraculous formulation for Renol can cure, Effective Ayurvedic Medicine in Renol Disease and even reverse kidney disease while providing overall urinary tract health. Cow urine itself is an outstanding purifier and detoxifier, cleansing the blood and body of impurities and toxins which is essential for healthy kidney and UT function. Cow urine also exhibits anti-bacterial, viral and fungal properties which cure UIT’s. Gokhruis highly effective for treating renol calculi. Purnarnava provides optimal kidney health by preventing and reducing stones, increasing kidney function, and acting as a diuretic promoting heathy urination.

Take Renol 1 hour prior or after VitaGreen while drinking plenty of fresh water throughout the day for fast relief and to promote optimal kidney/ UT health.
Precautions: Always consult your doctor before taking any medicine or supplement. Do not take within 1 hour of consuming dairy. Consult your physician if you are pregnant.
Avoidheavy and acidic foods while treating UTI’s and rice. Avoid spicy, salty, fried, processed/ packaged foods, smoking and alcohol. Limit stimulants such as coffee & tea. Consume easily digestible, fresh foods (organic when possible).

More Products

Gotirth Breathon Liquid for Permanent Cure & Ayurvedic Medicine for breathing problem
Price : ₹220.00
Website Url : Cow Urine Therapy
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Gotirth O.Flamin - Online Ayurvedic Medicine | GoTirth


It is a proprietary Ayurvedic Holistic medicine used in both external or internal inflammation or other related issues.

It is produced from the urine of healthy, indigenous, non-hybrid Himalayan cows and divine herbs. Name of some natural herbs which has been added in Renol is Punarnava, Makoya as well as Purified cow urine.

All these things are beneficial in getting rid of urinary infections or pertaining diseases. You can get more health benefits as well if you take this Ayurvedic medicine regularly or as directed by the physician.

It basically relieves external or internal inflammation & oedema of various etiologies.

Precautions: But in order to get better results some precautions need to be taken whose listing are as follows: Avoid Refined oils, processed or packaged foods, acidic, salty, non-veg foods, tea & coffee, stress, alcohol & smoking etc.

More Products

Gotirth Breathon Liquid for Permanent Cure & Ayurvedic Medicine for breathing problem

Price : ₹220.00

For More Info : Visit Here : https://www.gotirth.org/product/gotirth-o-flamin/

Watch my Youtube Videos : https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCKUjODzFefHgBAkMDV_xIOQ

Website Url : Cow Urine Therapy

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Saturday, August 21, 2021

Permanent Cure for Asthma in Ayurveda – Gotirth Breathon Tablet

Breathon Tablets are a Permanent Cure for Asthma in Ayurveda treatment & also used for sneezing, cough. Breathon works on the complete respiratory system providing relief from sneezing, asthma, cough, tuberculosis, etc. These are caused due to the adverse effects of excess Kapha. Breathon controls the secretions of kapha (mucus), increases digestion, tones the lungs, eliminates bacteria of the chest, relieves congestion, opens the lung walls thus increasing the capacity of holding oxygen.

Vasaka is a potent herb known for its natural ability to manage respiratory ailments, particularly relieving cough, dilates bronchi, reduces inflammation of airways, alleviates allergic reaction and relaxes muscles, and promotes expectoration. Like gomutra, it also has antibacterial, antiviral, and antimicrobial properties.

Precautions in Permanent Cure for Asthma in Ayurveda

Always consult your doctor before taking any medicine or supplement. Do not take within 1 hour of consuming dairy. Consult your physician if you are pregnant.

Avoid spicy, salty, fried, processed/ packaged foods, smoking, and alcohol. Limit stimulants such as coffee & tea. Consume easily digestible, fresh foods (organic when possible).

More Products

Gotirth Breathon Liquid for Permanent Cure & Ayurvedic Medicine for breathing problem

Price : ₹128.00

For More Info : Visit Here : https://www.gotirth.org/product/gotirth-skin-care-lotion/

Watch my Youtube Videos : https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCKUjODzFefHgBAkMDV_xIOQ

Website Url : Cow Urine Therapy

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Friday, August 20, 2021

Gotirth Skin Care Lotion

Gotirth PureSkin is an ayurvedic medicine for skincare and completely natural topical treatment for skin related problems. It is 100% pure and safe containing no chemicals and effective for all skin types, as well as the elderly and young children as young as two years.

Gomutra is known for its antimicrobial, antiviral and anti-fungal properties, which make it an excellent remedy for pure, healthy skin. Neem is cool and bitter in nature, therefore it soothes inflammation and is also antiviral, antibacterial and anti-fungal which treat and prevent acne, as well as reduces pore size which prevents acne from returning.

Neem also facilitates wound healing and eliminates dandruff. The final herb used in Dermol is Bakuchi, which is considered one of the most important medicinal herbs in traditional Indian medicine.

It is specifically used for various skin ailments as it is chemo-protective, anti-inflammatory, anti-toxin, antibacterial and astringent in nature which tightens skin and reduces pore size.

Therefore, it is extremely effective in treating leprosy, leukoderma, skin rash and infections, purifies the blood and treats wounds for its antimicrobial actions.

Precautions: Always consult your doctor before taking any medicine or supplement. Do not use on severe burns or large area wounds. In such cases, seek medical assistance. Always consult your physician if you are pregnant or lactating.

Avoid excessively salty, sweet, acidic, oily and spicy foods as well as non-veg foods. Avoid intake of tea, coffee, jaggery, radish and alcohol. Do not use chemical-based soaps on face or body.

Price : ₹60.00

For More Info : Visit Here : https://www.gotirth.org/product/gotirth-skin-care-lotion/

Watch my Youtube Videos : https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCKUjODzFefHgBAkMDV_xIOQ

Website Url : Cow Urine Therapy

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Wednesday, August 18, 2021

Gotirth Dermol Liquid

Dermol is the perfect ayurvedic medicine for all skin disorders regardless or your skin type (oily, dry, etc.) It safely and effectively cures most skin ailments and improves overall complexion of skin throughout the entire body, not just face.The main ingredient in Dermol is gomutra, a blood purifier therefore cleansing and detoxifying the entire body, as well as balancing hormones and the three doshas, which are the main causes of skin diseases. Acharya Shodal describes Aloe Vera as Kushthavinashini, “the substance that destroys all skin diseases.” This is due to its cooling and soothing properties, which alleviate burns, irritation, rash, insect bites, herpes, allergic reactions, wounds and ulcers. It is an excellent moisturizer, antibacterial, antifungal and antiviral, balances PH and eliminates acid due to its alkalizing property. Neem is also an excellent skin tonic as it is a complete body purifier, soothes inflammation and eliminates dandruff, treats acne as well as reduces pore size which prevents acne from returning, is antiviral, antibacterial and antifungal, and facilitates wound healing. The final herb used in Dermol is Bakuchi, which is considered one of the most important medicinal herbs in traditional Indian medicine. It is specifically used for various skin ailments as it is chemo-protective, anti-inflammatory, anti-toxin, antibacterial and astringent in nature which tightens skin and reduces pore size. Therefore, it is extremely effective in treating leprosy, leukoderma, skin rash and infections, purifies the blood and treats wounds for its antimicrobial actions.

For scalp treatment:Massage on head to eliminate dandruff, condition and cleanse the scalp and eliminate lice. After 15 minutes wash with Gotirth KeSheen and rinse completely.

Can be used externally/ topically on affected area applied with cotton or added to any natural facepack.

Precautions : Always consult your doctor before taking any medicine or supplement. Do not take within 1 hour of consuming dairy. Consult your physician if you are pregnant or lactating.

Avoid excessively salty, sweet, acidic, oily and spicy foods as well as non-veg foods. Avoid intake of tea, coffee, jaggery, radish and alcohol. Do not use chemical-based soaps on face or body.

Website Url : Cow Urine Therapy

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Tuesday, August 17, 2021

Gotirth B.P. Norm Tablets

BP Norm is an excellent remedy for patients suffering from both high and low blood pressure. It rapidly works to control systolic variations, regulating blood pressure. It also controls cholesterol levels and the nervine system. Gomutra naturally calms the mind, thus reducing stress levels.

Jatamansi is well known as a natural brain nervine tonic, memory enhancer, and for its calming properties. Jatamansi is the ultimate nerve tonic, treating disorders such as hyperactivity, stress, anxiety/ depression, spasm, epilepsy, convulsion, hysteria and improves focus, concentration and learning ability. Sadabahar is used for its ability to lower blood pressure, induce calming states, enhance cognitive/ brain health and maintain regular blood fluidity.

Precautions: Always consult your doctor before taking any medicine or supplement. Do not take within 1 hour of consuming dairy. Consult your physician if you are pregnant. 
Avoid spicy, salty, fried, processed/ packaged foods, smoking and alcohol. Limit stimulants such as coffee & tea. Consume easily digestible, fresh foods (organic when possible).

* Patients taking allopathic medication are requested to reduce dosage according to the bodies need. Gomutra enhances the effects of any medicine and/ or herb; therefore, a smaller dose is required with the same or higher efficacy.

Website Url : Cow Urine Therapy

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Monday, August 16, 2021

Gotirth Arthorid Tablets

Arthorid is ayurvedic medicine for Analgesic is a highly effective cure for ALL 80 types of vat diseases. It provides rapid relief for any type of muscle pain, cramping, joint pain, etc. Excess Vata (air) is the main cause for pain.

 According to Ayurvedic texts, cow urine is prescribed as the best Vata healer or regulator. Our R&D team has sourced powerful anti-vat herbs, which are processed with Gomutra, creating a safe and powerful remedy without any harmful side effects or addictive qualities of allopathic painkillers. It works simply and naturally by enhancing the digestive fire. Undigested food, which causes excess Vata (air) is reduced or eliminated, therefore relieving pain, cramps, etc.

Nirgundi is one of the most powerful and versatile herbs used in Ayurveda. It is used in this formula mainly for its ability to relieve pain/ inflammation and act as a muscle relaxant. Nirgundi also treats vitiated kapha and Vata doshas.

 Saunth improves digestion, balances kapha and Vata and is an excellent pain killer with anti-inflammatory properties. Maharasnadi is an ayurvedic medicine mainly used for diseases of the musculoskeletal system, effective on bones, joints, muscles and nerves. It is used in pain disorders and arthritis (pain, swelling, inflammation, stiffness). It also treats rheumatoid arthritis, osteoarthritis, gout, sciatica, backache, paralytic disorders, abdominal distension, bloating, gas, etc. Finally, Erandmool is used as it treats pain, arthritis, balances kapha and is effective on bones and nervous system.

Precautions: Always consult your doctor before taking any medicine or supplement. Do not take within 1 hour of consuming dairy. Consult your physician if you are pregnant. 

Avoid spicy, salty, fried, processed/ packaged foods, smoking and alcohol. Limit stimulants such as coffee & tea. Consume easily digestible, fresh foods (organic when possible).

Website Url : Cow Urine Therapy

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Saturday, August 14, 2021

Gotirth Cardipro Liquid


Cardiprois an ayurvedic medicine for heart and protective tonic for maintaining optimal cardiovascular health. It can be used by both heart patients and those who wish to prevent heart troubles. Jatamansi is used to treat high blood pressure, depression and promotes a calm sleep cycle, which can lead to heart ailments if not treated. Arjun offers an abundance of overall health benefits but is particularly known as the best known Ayurvedic herb for its ability to heal and protect the heart. Arjuna is a well-known heart tonic and cardio-protective herb. It strengthens the heart muscles and treats the cardiac debility. It also increases the coronary artery flow and protects the heart muscles from ischemic damage, as well as lowering high blood pressure.

Arjuna is used for vitality, as lymph tonic for the heart, to promote normal blood flow and helps to nullify the effect of stress on the heart. Dalchini or cinnamon contains many antioxidants, which prevent or limit damage to blood vessels and may even help to prevent heart disease. It also significantly lowers LDL cholesterol and has anti-inflammatory properties.

Precautions: Always consult your doctor before taking any medicine or supplement. Do not take within 1 hour of consuming dairy. Consult your physician if you are pregnant or lactating.

Avoid spicy, salty, fried, processed/ packaged foods, smoking, and alcohol. Limit stimulants such as coffee & tea. Consume easily digestible, fresh foods (organic when possible).

Website Url : Cow Urine Therapy

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Thursday, August 12, 2021

Ayurvedic Medicine For Sneezing and Cold – Gotirth Breathon Liquid


Breathon is an Ayurvedic Medicine For Sneezing and cold, asthma, cough, tuberculosis and works on the complete respiratory system providing relief from sneezing, asthma, cough, tuberculosis, etc. These are caused due to the adverse effects of excess Kapha. Breathon controls the secretions of Kapha (mucus), increases digestion, tones the lungs, eliminates bacteria of the chest, relieves congestion, opens the lung walls thus increasing the capacity of holding oxygen.

Vasaka is a potent herb known for its natural ability to manage respiratory ailments, particularly relieving cough, dilates bronchi, reduces inflammation of airways, alleviates allergic reaction and relaxes muscles, and promotes expectoration. It is the best Ayurvedic Medicine For Sneezing And Runny Nose Allergy Like gomutra, it also has antibacterial, antiviral, and antimicrobial properties.

Ayurvedic Medicine For Sneezing and Cold (Precautions)

Always consult your doctor before taking any Ayurvedic Medicine For Cough and Sneezing or supplement. Do not take within 1 hour of consuming dairy. Consult your physician if you are pregnant.

Ayurvedic Treatment For Morning Sneezing always Avoid spicy, salty, fried, processed/ packaged foods, smoking, and alcohol. Limit stimulants such as coffee & tea. Consume easily digestible, fresh foods (organic when possible).

Website Url : Cow Urine Therapy

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Tuesday, August 10, 2021

Ayurvedic Medicine for Joint and Muscle Pain – Gotirth Massage Tailam

Artho-Relief Massage Oil is an excellent remedy for instant pain relief! It provides rapid relief for muscle pain, cramping, joint pain, inflammation, etc. Our completely natural and effective formulation includes powerful anti-inflammatory and anti-pain herbs, which are processed with Gomutra, creating a safe alternative to pain management without any harmful side effects or addictive qualities of allopathic painkillers.

Nirgundi is one of the most powerful and versatile herbs used in Ayurvedic Medicine for Joint and Muscle Pain. It is used in this formula mainly for its ability to relieve pain/ inflammation and act as a muscle relaxant. Nirgundi also treats vitiated Kapha and Vata doshas. Saunth improves digestion, balances Kapha and Vata, and is an excellent pain killer with anti-inflammatory properties. Maharasnadi is an Ayurvedic Medicine for Pain Relief mainly used for diseases of the musculoskeletal system, effective on bones, joints, muscles, and nerves.

It is the best Ayurvedic Medicine for Bones and Muscles used in pain disorders and arthritis (pain, swelling, inflammation, stiffness). It also treats rheumatoid arthritis, osteoarthritis, gout, sciatica, backache, paralytic disorders, abdominal distension, bloating, gas, etc. Finally, Erandmool is used as it treats pain, arthritis balances Kapha, and is effective on bones and nervous system.

Indication: Excellent remedy for Joint Pain Tab Ayurvedic Medicine, alleviating joint and/or muscle pain, inflammation, arthritis, gout, chronic pain, soreness due to injury, etc. Also very useful in treating dry skin, bacterial, or fungal skin infection.

* Patients taking allopathic medication are requested to reduce dosage according to the body’s need. Gomutra enhances the effects of any medicine and/ or herb; therefore, a smaller dose is required with the same or higher efficacy.

Precautions: Do not ingest. Keep away from the eye area. If eye exposure, gently rinses with warm water. Avoid spicy, salty, fried, processed/ packaged foods, smoking, and alcohol. Limit stimulants such as coffee & tea. Consume easily digestible, fresh foods (organic when possible).

Website Url : Cow Urine Therapy

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Sunday, August 8, 2021

Gotirth Digeston Liquid

Digenston ia an ayurvedic medicine for digestion. In Ayurveda, the first thing to begin treatment of balancing the doshas is digestion. If digestion and absorption of nutrients is working, then all other systems will function properly, therefore eliminating disease. Gomutra is extremely important for enhanced metabolism as it increases production of gastric and digestive juices, while at the same time providing an alkaline PH. Natural jaggery is normally taken after meals not only as a sweet dessert but for its digestive properties. Cumin is also very well known to enhance digestion but not increase pitta. Jaiphal or nutmeg is a common spice in India not only for its flavor, but for its many healing properties, particularly for digestion and skin health. Nutmeg is used to treat nausea, indigestion or upset stomach. It also has anti-inflammatory properties which treat gastritis. It’s great for purifying the body leading to a clear complexion due to it antiseptic andanti-fungal properties. Mace, or javitri is the outer peeling of the nutmeg seed, having similar healing effects. It provides relief from bloating, stomach spasms, flatulence and gas related problems since it is anti Vata. Mace spice is good for regulating bowel movements in both cases of constipation and diarrhea. Both nutmeg and mace encourage appetite boosting metabolism rate keeping the body fit and healthy.

Precautions: Always consult your doctor before taking any medicine or supplement. Do not take within 1 hour of consuming dairy. Consult your physician if you are pregnant. Do not take if you experience hyperacidity.Do not use if you have chronic diarrhea.

Avoid heavy foods such as cheese, milk, etc. Limit intake of Vata producing foods (cabbage, cauliflower, peas, dal, etc.) Avoid spicy, salty, fried, processed/ packaged foods, smoking and alcohol. Limit stimulants such as coffee & tea. Consume easily digestible, fresh foods (organic when possible).

Website Url : Ayurveda Products in India

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Saturday, August 7, 2021

Benefits of Cow Urine | Cow Urine Therapy  -  Go Tirth

Cow is a moving dispensary, and cow urine is its medicine. In Panchagavya there is a Gavya Gomutra, a medicine made from cow urine has the ability to cure all diseases, the use of processed cow urine is spread in incurable diseases and also in Ayurveda. The treatment of cow urine is also mentioned in ancient texts like Charak Samhita, Atharvaveda, Bhava Prakash and Amrit Sagar. Its research has been done in the research of the benefits of cow urine. Along with this, research has also been done that for the last few years, processed cow urine is helpful in curing blood pressure and blockage in blood vessels. The use of cow urine in India has been going on since the Vedic and earlier times.

In earlier times, cow urine was used most widely and it was also honored after seeing its properties.

Due to these incredible characteristics of cow urine, cow urine was used outside the body in the form of lotions, ointments and baths, and it was used as medicine for internal purification and health of the body, as well as its use in beverage form. was done.

Many examples of the treatment and properties of cow urine are available in ancient medical texts. In ancient medicine for various human diseases, treatments were done by using cow urine.

In the 21st century, the properties of cow urine have been tested, processed cow urine is like an antibiotic for the body.

Processed cow urine is effective in medicinal form on diseases.

Cow urine is also very useful in the fields of agriculture and agricultural production.

Processed cow urine is popular as medicine in India.

The chemical properties of cow urine can be estimated from ancient medical texts and presently available medicine. According to modern research, sodium, nitrogen, sulfur, vitamin A, B, C, D, E, minerals, manganese, iron, silicon, chlorine, phosphate, leptons, carbolic acid, enzymes and hormones are found in cow urine.

Deficiency or excess of any one of these substances in the body causes disease inside the body. The balance of all these remains fine by the consumption of processed cow urine read more…

Website Url : Cow Urine Therapy

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Wednesday, August 4, 2021

Gotirth Carcinex Liquid

Gotirth Carcinex is one of the best alternative treatments for cancer known today. It is completely safe and natural with no harmful side effects that modern treatments may cause. Carcinex is derived from the Gomutra of healthy, indigenous Himalayan cows and natural, ayurvedic anti-cancer herbs. Its formulation is based on traditional ayurvedic medicines found in holyVedic scriptures.

Carcinex successfully reduce and or eradicate cancer cells of most types including breast, throat, liver, stomach, skin, tumors, etc. It controls and inhibits the growth of cancer cells while reversing the negative side effects and damage of other medicines, drugs, chemotherapy and radiation. In post operation conditions where chemotherapy is necessary, patients who regularly used Carcinex experienced immediate relief and no longer needed chemotherapy. In some instances, Carcinex successfully cured patients after medical practitioners declared their state incurable!

Science: Indigenous Indian cow urine is scientifically proven and patented as an effective cure for cancer. “Recently cow urine has been granted U.S. Patents (№6896907 and 6,410,059) for its medicinal properties, particularly for its use along with antibiotics for the control of bacterial infection and fight against cancer.”
– International Journal of Cow Science, 1(2): 1–25 REVIEW ARTICLE © 2005, Cow Therapy Society, Pantnagar, India.

Our formula of Indigenous Himalayan cow urine distillate along with powerful anti-cancer herbs is an incredible breakthrough in the fight against cancer. Gomutra purifies blood, enhances immunity, contains numerous vitamins, minerals, enzymes and antioxidants and creates an alkaline environment, all which help eliminate cancerous cells.

Research shows that people who regularly consume tulsi are less likely to be immunocompromised and less susceptible to developing cancer cells. According to research published in the journal Nutrition and Cancer, tulsi and its phytochemicals (including eugenol, rosmarinic acid, apigenin, myretenal, luteolin, β-sitosterol, and carnosic acid), in some cases, may help prevent chemical-induced lung, liver, oral and skin cancers because they increase antioxidant activity, alter healthy gene expressions, induce cancer cell death, prevent blood vessel growth contributing to cancer cell growth and stop metastasis — which is the spread of cancer from one organ to another. (5)

Holy basil benefits also appear to help protect the body from radiation poisoning and help treat damage from radiation treatment, according to research published in 2016 in the Journal of Cancer Research and Therapeutics. It selectively protects the normal tissues against the destructive effects of radiation. (6)

In fact, the journal Nutrition and Cancer published an interesting review outlining the important research involving tulsi’s ability to help fight against cancer that we’ve seen in the past several years. The doctors involved in this research agree that conventional chemotherapy and radiotherapy treatments used during the past three decades haven’t been able to contain the disease, plus they have serious side effects. Many natural agents — especially holy basil leaves and extracts from other plants — prove to be nontoxic, easily available and have proven anticancer properties. (7)

Sadabahar and Kachnar are other valued herbs that contains various alkaloids which have anti-tumor and anti-cancer properties.

Cost Effective:Carcinex is also the most cost-effective cancer treatment available today. Overall treatment (Carcinex Liquid, Carcinex Tablets & Vitagreen) averages Rs. 10 — Rs. 20 per day depending on dosage and condition.

Carcinex Cancer Treatment:

Carcinex, along with a healthy lifestyle will ensure reduction or eradication of disease.

Dosage when prescribed by doctors for bodyweight 40kg and above
20 ML every 4 hours with 1 gm Gausatvavati and 1 Carcinex Tablet every 8 hours.

Dosage for bodyweight less than 40kg
10 ML every 4 hours with .5 gm Gausatvavati and 1 Carcinex Tablet every 8 hours.

Continue this treatment for at least 3 months. After 3 months reduce the dosage by half.

Consume 1 glass of VitaGreen on empty stomach 2x daily for duration of treatment

Carcinex and/or Panchgavya can also be applied topically on visible growths.

Please contact our Gavya Siddhas for treatment options.

* Patients taking allopathic medication are requested to reduce dosage according to the bodies need. Gomutra enhances the effects of any medicine and/ or herb; therefore, a smaller dose is required with the same or higher efficacy.

Precautions: Always consult your doctor before taking any medicine or supplement. Do not take within 1 hour of consuming dairy. Consult your physician if you are pregnant. 
Avoid spicy, salty, fried, processed/ packaged foods, smoking and alcohol. Limit stimulants such as coffee & tea. Consume easily digestible, fresh foods (organic when possible).

Supportive Medicine: Carcinex Tablets, VitaGreen, Livon Liquid

Website Url : Panchagavya Cancer Treatment

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